
Born in Antwerp in Belgium, in 1970

Lives in Jerusalem since immigrating to Israel in 1989, married + 3

Mail : raffi@isralegal.com

Education: Completed his legal studies at the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University in 1995

Completed his training in 1996

Legal Practice Member of the Israel Bar Association since 1996

Notary in Israel : Israeli Notary as form 2007

Experience : Pre-training at the State Prosecutor’s Office

Underwent training and worked as a lawyer at the law offices of Yitzchak Nenner in Jerusalem

Lawyer at the Sherman-Zajfman Law Offices in 2000

Independent lawyer from 2001

Co-Founder and Senior Partner at Zajfman-Kornitzer & Co. since 2014

Main Office in Jerusalem with branch at Tel-Aviv since 2015


Fields of expertise : Civil-commercial law, Contract law, Real-Estate and in particular: managing, selling, purchasing, leasing, gifts, bequeathing, Urban Renew

Estates law: drafting wills in several languages, planning estates in Israel and abroad, Will Probate and Estate orders and execution of estates in Israel and abroad

Commercial litigation

Corporate law: setting up companies and nonprofit organizations in Israel, day to day counseling for corporations

Legal translations (Hebrew, French, English, and Dutch-Flemish)

And all Israeli Notarial attestations

Languages : French (mother tongue);

Hebrew (mother tongue level);

Dutch (Flemish) (mother tongue level);

English (fluent)

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